As Promised...

Sooooooo...tell me your honest opinion...I can take it...really...I can...LOL.
Okay, but wait! For all of you creative people out there (which is all of us because we all blog...and that's creative in its own right), you know I have to take a moment to be my own worst critic!
Just a couple of things:
1. For those of you who cannot tell, the dominant color of the pieces is jade. These pics do the color absolutely NO justice at all.
2. Originally, I made the necklaces without the pendant/drop - but afterwards I kinda thought (and my friend did too), that it should have one. In retrospect, I think I would have preferred it without...but the customer is always right and she ended up being very pleased (she told me that the bridesmaid's jewelry was better than the bride's...the bride was actually upset that she didn't have me make hers too).
3. My photography skills are not all that there was no way for me, personally, to capture the true beauty of these pieces (especially the "bling" of the Swarovski crystals)...but I DID promise you all pics and for fear of you guys never reading my blog again...I thought I should keep my word :o) LOL. I also need to get one of those dummy heads (I don't know what you call them) so that you can get the true effect of what the pieces look like on...the pendant in these photos looks worse than it really was.
4. The final presentation was the kicker...I boxed the sets in cute little jewelry boxes, tied it with ribbon and created a sticker with the "name of my business" on it and used it to secure the ribbon around the box. And then I put the boxes in a cute little "Thank You" bag. I must say that I impressed my damn self...LOL!
So there you go! I'm on a roll now, a slow roll, but a roll none the what I will TRY to do is post some more pics as I add more pieces to my collection. My girlfriend that I stayed with in NY finally convinced me to let her try to sell some pieces, so I sent most of what I made last summer to her and I didn't photograph any of it before I sent them. *sorry*
Recap of my trip to NYC to follow...I had a GREAT time!!!
Create something!
I love it! I put my hand over the pendant on the necklace and it looks like that would make it chocker-like I like chockers but it depends on the collar of the dress. I like the necklace with or without the pendant. BEAUTIFUL!!!!
Honestly ... your pieces are beautiful. I really admire folks who have that kind of talent.
I like your pieces too. Although I honestly wouldn't wear that color. I can't stop thinking about what I wore for my wedding, which I LOVED!
However, I also think you will agree that with more practice you will improve and see improvement over time. I always get inspiration from looking at other creations, but I'm not a creative person..
Your pieces were beautiful. I don't have that kind of time or patience...You are very taleneted.
Those pieces are ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS!!! Love it, love it, love it :) That's all I'm going to say, you already know what I'm thinking... :)
@ MzNewAgenda: You are right, it would have been a choker (which usually I'm not really a fan of), but the neckline of the dress was perfect for it. It had detail that I didn't want to take away from...but it looked beautiful with the final piece as well. Thanks!
@ Chele: Thank you...for the kind words and the admiration. That put a smile on my face :)
@ Expat: I guess not every color is for everybody. And yes, practice does make perfect and I can definitely see my progress!
@ Luvin: Thanks girl! Yeah, I don't really have the time either, which is also why I had taken a hiatus...BUT, it brings me joy, peace and happiness so I decided that I HAVE to find time for that!
@ Neq: I know, I know, I know...but I HAVE taken a step forward! A baby step, but a step just the same :) You have been one of my biggest cheerleaders and reality checkers (epecially when you considered buying from someone else!). I love you for that! Now...YOU start a blog...LOL!
GIRL!!!!! These pieces are beautiful! You betta get on it and start a jewerly blog cause I'm already trying to put an order in!!!!
@ Mwabi: LOL...I'm tryin' girl...I'm tryin'. I need to build my collection back up and then the blog will come. Promise :o)
Those are beautiful
@ Seven: Thank you...and thanks for visiting my site!
Your creations are beautiful! I wish I was creative and patient enough to make anything. You have a gift.
@ Laa: Thanks...and never say never...I didn't think I was either!
they're really pretty! helluva lot better than what i used to do!!
Girl, these pieces are oh-so-beautiful! I can just imagine what they looked like in person and on the bridesmaids. You have talent, sis, and I'm so happy to hear you tapping into and finding joy from it. Just lemme know when I can get a "Darbs Original".
I was just in AC Moore in Bowie the other night and was in the bead aisle looking lost and confused. LOL Needless to say beading isn't my thing but it is clearly yours. =)
@ Butta: I am ALWAYS in the AC Moore in Bowie...I was just in there last week! Thanks so much for the compliments...and support. I'm about to make some more pieces to beef up my collection since most of it's in NYC now. As soon as I finish...I'll post some pics...if you like's yours :o)
I tried to comment before ut Blogger was acting a fool.
Love those pieces, just love them.
You better start selling on-line so we can buy 'em!
You're extremely talented.
Oh snap! That AC Moore in Bowie is my spot. I was in there a couple weeks ago TO GET ONE THING (yeah, OK) and I ended up seeing a funky bag on display and coming out with all the supplies to duplicate the project. (In multiple colors, mind you! Lawd help me!) I'm trying to finish this weekend. If the bags don't look too crazy I may even post a photo or two. ;-)
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